David Mayberry Texas North (Dallas) Mission 1972-1974
I grew up in Ogden Utah. As a teen I was ok but not very motivated about the Gospel. I attended church and was generally a good kid, but that was it. I graduated from Ogden High in 1971 and went to Utah State for a year. I spent the summer before I turned 19 golfing, working a little, playing tennis and basketball with my best friend Bill, sleeping in until 11 everyday and thinking very little of a mission. Bill’s birthday was also in August so we did talk about maybe going. Obviously, not among the top 10 best ways to prepare for a mission. By the end of summer, Bill and I decided to “give it a try.” I talked to my Bishop, got the papers in and was off to Texas in September. Back in those days the “bar” was very low and I still had to pretty much crawl under it. By the way, my Farewell talk was pitiful! Now for the worst and most embarrassing part: My testimony was so weak that I was truly concerned that being in the Bible Belt, I could possibly run into a Preacher or someone that co...